Need New Members

We’ve had a number of members drop out recently due to illness or relocation. This posting solicits your help:

  • We need new members.
  • And we need members who are representative of metro Atlanta’s diversity (age, race, gender, etc.

The membership process is that you invite a candidate to be our guest (a free lunch!) for one meeting. Then, if the candidate wants to become a member, she pays her dues and she’s a member. The process is the same for all genders.

When inviting a candidate, you can direct her to the Roundtable’s web site and the descriptions of recent speakers.

Cedric Suzman wins Lifetime Achievement Award

cedric-suzman-bs3-750xx3280-4373-0-0Cedric Suzman is the recipient of the 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award in the Governor’s International Awards sponsored by Atlanta Business Chronicle in partnership with the Georgia Department of Economic Development and the World Trade Center Atlanta. This award recognizes a significant individual who has dedicated a lifetime to fostering and growing international business in Georgia.

See the article in Atlanta Business Chronicle.